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Falmouth Maine Little League

General FLL Information

For information regarding how teams are formed, please view Falmouth Little League Operating Guide


Family Volunteering Encouragement

If your child participates in the Falmouth Little League, please take a moment to review the Volunteering Information page. We encourage each family to volunteer for at least two hours per season to help sustain and grow our program. Visit the Volunteering page for more details and inspiration!

Falmouth Little League Fields

Falmouth Little League teams play at several parks and fields throughout Falmouth.


The Legion Complex is located at 65 Depot Rd. There are two parking lots and four fields here. The softball field is closest to the library, the one with the all-dirt infield.


Huston Field is in located at 387 Falmouth Rd.


Coaches Information

Thank you for volunteering to coach in the Falmouth Little League! Without your help, the program could not remain in existence; you are a very important part of our success.


Although your position is voluntary, is comes with a great deal of responsibility. Coaching is not a right, it is a privilege. The Board of Directors has adopted the following expectations which we hope you will agree to and promote throughout the season.

Player Registration

Registration for Falmouth Maine Little League begins January 13th and continues through Sunday, March 2nd. 

Please follow this link:


Questions may be directed to

FLL President - Jeff Bowden,

Baseball VP - Craig Bowden, or

Softball VP - Emily Bienek

 Medical Release Form

Please deliver a completed medical release form to your head coach at the start of the season.

Parent Expectations
Promoting Character and Sportsmanship

The core elements of character building and ethics in sports are reflected in the concept of sportsmanship and six key principles: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good sportsmanship. The true potential of sports is realized when competition upholds these six pillars. We ask for your support in reinforcing this message with your children.


Please notify the coaches of any physical disabilities, allergies, or disorders that are relevant to your child's behavior and enjoyment.


Cheering is encouraged, but please be respectful of all players, teams, umpires, coaches, and spectators. Help us teach your children to handle both winning and losing with grace and respect.

Communication and Conduct Guidelines

If your child is unable to attend a game or practice, please inform the coaches. Remember, all coaches are volunteers, and your support and communication help them stay organized, which in turn enhances the experience for everyone involved.


If you observe any unruly behavior from anyone (another coach, an umpire, a parent, or a spectator), your first step is to ask a coach to address the issue and request that the behavior stop. If the behavior continues, a coach, umpire, or authority figure (such as the league VP or president, if present) should ask the person to leave the premises. If the person persists, call the police and pause the game until they are removed. NEVER escalate the situation in front of the children, as this could result in disciplinary action, including possible suspension or expulsion from future league activities.


For questions, concerns, feedback, disputes, or complaints, contact a coach or board member as soon as possible. Avoid engaging in heated discussions or arguments on or near the fields where children are present.

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